The Muslim Jewish Conference is on a mission to bridge divisions of culture and religion and empower young leaders to spark change through grassroots initiatives and global networking.
Our activities
The annual Muslim Jewish Conference

For over X years the Muslim Jewish Conference brought an ever growing wealth of people of different backgrounds, professions, ethnicities and beliefs together to…
Incubating projects and initiatives

By bringing together and engaging dedicated young people the MJC enables and encourages initiatives living beyond the conference itself and uses its resources to…
Alumni Network

Bringing together our participants is just the first step on our journey and only by making sure we build a strong network we can pool the scarce but crucial resources of isolated people to create global impact…

The story so far
Metrics and achievements that illustrate the effectiveness of the MJC’s efforts go here.

With a little help
from our friends
The MJC is proud to have been working with and receiving support by a number of organizations that do important and value work and…

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